

First name: Last name:

Email address: Phone number:

What is the earliest date you can start working?


How many years do you believe you have been born again?

Please list three of your favorite verses of scripture and why they matter to you.

Please explain what you see the relationship between Jesus and the Bible is?

What leadership positions have you had?

As the saying goes, "Speed of the leader, speed of the team". How would that quote apply to leadership at camp in these three areas: Work life, Spiritual life, Community life.

What role do you believe attitude plays in a leaders life? Please explain.

How would you define humility? How does this definition fit into your view of leadership? Consider Philippians chapter 2 verses 5-11.

You will be expected to lead our Summer Staff by example, by word and by prayer. Are you willing to do that?

You will be committing to praying for your dorm staff daily and meet with each one of them several times throughout the summer. Are you comfortable with that?

Based on the words of God found in the Bible write out how you believe someone comes to putting their faith in Jesus and is born again.